News - 3 months ago
All Supercell Content Creators are giving away Froggie Leon for free! 💚
Additionally, they will be giving away 50,000 Coins to a few lucky winners!
Content Creators are sharing their unique QR codes and links as part of this giveaway. If you’re not sure which creators to look for, just type #FroggieLeonGiveaway on social media and keep an eye out for a Squad Busters QR code! You can only scan it once, so if you have a favorite Creator, be sure to find their code to show your support!
Scanning a Creator’s QR code or clicking their link will instantly give you Froggie Leon.
Don’t worry if you don’t own Leon yet, the skin will be stored and ready to use as soon as you unlock the character.
The event runs from NOW until November 21st, 15:00 UTC.
Froggie Leon will be back in the future but will remain exclusive for the time being.
Go get your free Froggie! 🐸